
2011 is the Year of Magnificent Energy

As we set out on new paths and adventures this year, its interesting to take a look at what the year's energy has in store for us. Natascha Hennessy, founder and teacher at my yoga studio Pure Prana, summarizes it in her new year newsletter. "The number 11 symbolizes electric energy and spiritual excellence which [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:50-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: |

New Year, BEST You! … Detox & Cleanse

It's the first week of January and many of us have the goal of making this the BEST year ever!  This week we've compiled a list of resources and tools to help you set out in the right direction... Create a Vision Board, Write your Unlimited Life Plan, Pave Your Life Roadmap and The Consciousness [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:51-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: , , |
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