
Giving Thanks

Yesterday in my favorite yoga class (Yoga Fusion at Pure Prana Yoga Studio), our teacher Natascha spoke about giving thanks this week as part of Thanksgiving festivities. She said there's no better way to be thankful and give thanks than to be present in the moment. In our busy chaotic over scheduled multi-tasking lives, most of [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:56-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: |

Daily Dose of Inspiration

DailyOM is a site dedicated to "nurturing mind, body and spirit" and sends out daily emails to help in their quest. For several years I've been receiving their Daily Inspiration email and Daily Horoscope. While at times they get backed up in my inbox, lately I've been taking the time daily to reflect on those [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:58-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: , |

Madonna to open Hard Candy Gyms

Material Girl Madonna, long a fitness and health buff, Monday announced her foray into global gyms with Hard Candy Fitness. Named after her 2008 album, the first 30,000 square foot gym will open late November in Mexico City. The partnership with her manager Guy Oseary and New Evolution Ventures is in the planning stages on [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:58-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: |
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