
Happy Winter Solstice…and what it means to you!

And as my favorite astrologer Erin Sullivan said, Happy Super Solstice!  Why Super? Because 19 and 21 December brought three rare celestial phenomena...inferior conjunction of Mercury to the Sun, Total Lunar Eclipse and The Solstice of the Sun.  The overnight's Solstice and full lunar eclipse on the same day hasn't happened in 372 years and [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:51-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: , |

Life Coaching Through Astrology: Erin Sullivan

I've always been one who reads my horoscope in magazines and newspapers. I even flip through the books at the bookstore about the year ahead. So a few years ago when I was on a 10 day solo sabbatical (after my divorce) to New Mexico for some soul searching I included Taos on my journey. [...]

2019-03-20T13:59:18-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: , |
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