
The Best Year of Your Life 2010

Last month as I was reading a Daily OM email, I saw a list of on-line courses they offer and noticed a '21-day conscious cleanse' from Debbie Ford.  Her name sounded familiar so clicked through to her site and realized I have one of her books, The Best Year of Your Life, on my shelf. [...]

2019-03-20T13:59:11-06:00Categories: Self|

Calendar with Style!

Its a new fiscal year which means a new calendar.... but this year I planned ahead to have a WAY cool calendar to start the year. If you have to look at it every day, why not personalize it?!? FranklinCovey.com has a new section where you can Design Your Own calendar pages in 4 easy [...]

2019-03-20T13:59:16-06:00Categories: Self|Tags: , |
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