Its a new fiscal year which means a new calendar…. but this year I planned ahead to have a WAY cool calendar to start the year. If you have to look at it every day, why not personalize it?!? has a new section where you can Design Your Own calendar pages in 4 easy steps (although mine did take me a few hours as I have a daily page calendar and I customized EVERYTHING!)…

I chose photos from my collection for the monthly & daily pages

I chose photos from my collection for the monthly & daily pages

    1st Step: Choose your design, size and start date.
    2nd Step: Chose your format and layout
    3rd Step (and the most fun): Personalize planner pages with images and quotes.
    4th Step: Enter & customize your tasks, events and personal info.

And voilà … you have a new calendar that’s your very own. Mine just arrived and I love it! Well worth the time & $100 to have something I enjoy looking at every day… especially the great photos of our travels as I’m sitting in meetings. :)