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Puglia: Itay’s Largest Wine Producer

Puglia wine dates back to Phoenician times and the Greeks named Puglia 'Enotria', Wineland. Today Puglia is the largest producer of wine in Italy. Often referred to as 'the wine cellar of Europe' because in the past it primarily produced wine to send to the rest of Italy and Europe for structure and alcohol content [...]


Puglia Cuisine: Home of Orecchiette Pasta and Burrata Cheese

A cuisine born of peasants living seasonally off the land, Pugliese cuisine is rooted in olive oil, wheat and vegetables. Puglia produces more than 50% of Italy's olive oil and it has been a thriving industry here for centuries, thus the huge olive trees and there are 50 million of them! Durum wheat grown here [...]


Puglia: Locorotondo, the City of White Wine

Locorotondo, located in the center of the Valle d'Itria, is the cutest little white washed town sitting on top of the hill and is designated 'burgh più belli d'Italia,' one of the most beautiful towns in Italy. Its also known as the' city of white wine,' cite del vino bianco, so we had to visit! [...]

2019-03-20T13:58:41-06:00Travel, Wine|
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